Fear is a bitch. I can tell you. Sometimes she just takes hold and doesn’t let go.
But I want to tell that you’re going to be okay.
And as I’m sure you can tell, fear been making her rounds in the world not just this month, or last but a fair bit this year.
Fear or anxiety has been a constant companion throughout my life but last month was one of the worst I can remember. It seemed almost to take a hold of me and I felt completely incapacitated. Thankfully I work with an amazing coach (Angela Duetschmann) and have done a course in Mindcape (Thank you Dale Fox) so I do have a few tools with which to navigate it. I also have amazing friends and people in my life so I am truly blessed.
Even so, the past few weeks have really taken me to a whole new level. So much so that I wrote the following list for myself so that I could remember, and put into practice the tools at hand.
Here are my top 25 ways to release stress, fear and PTSD Please bear in mind that I’m not a psychologist (you can see my sister Lauren for help as she is the best). I am qualified in counselling and the art of life and that’s about it.
Here are some of the tools I used (and still use) to manage stress, fear and PTSD. Ultimately when fear takes hold in your body, it’s quite difficult to shift without the body so you may find certain techniques such as meditation unhelpful. My suggestion is to see what works for you and use it. If it doesn’t work then try something else until you find what works for you. Something will work so keep the faith.
In the meantime remind yourself that whatever is happening, is helping you to be the best version of yourself and that you’ve got this. A friend gave me this mat for my front door which I really like as it reminds me that flowers grow in the rain.

26 Ways to Release Extreme Stress, PTSD and Fear
- Remember a past situation which you overcame: Think back to a time when you overcame a challenge; you did it before and you’ll do it again.
- Move your body – You probably don’t feel like it but exercise in the form of walking, yoga or cycling in nature will do you the world of good. The thing is that when fear takes over, it can settle in your mind. Exercise helps bring you back into your body and of course, those endorphins really do help.
- Meditation – I love this one below: Even just a few minutes of meditation can help calm your mind and bring you back to a place of balance.
- Set an intention: My intention for my day is peace, or joy or love. Say it out loud and then look for it in the world. You just might be amazed.
- EFT Tapping: Use tapping on your body’s acupressure points to help release pent-up energy and anxiety.
- Do a headstand: Flip your perspective—literally—by doing a headstand, letting your body reset with a rush of new energy. NB – make sure you do it properly or head on over to your local yoga studio.
- Chat to a friend: Reach out to someone who gets you and is supportive., It’s amazing how your soul people can soother your soul:-)
- Take a day off: Sometimes, you just need time out. Of course there’s always a million things to do but also sometimes, the world can wait.
- Sit in the sun: Soak in some natural light and let its warmth brighten both your mind and spirit.
- Quit coffee: I LOVE coffee but consider cutting back on caffeine to prevent the jitters from amplifying your stress.
- Sleep well: Prioritize restful sleep to rejuvenate your body and mind, helping you approach challenges with more clarity.
- Listen to one of your favorite songs: Let a song you love boost your mood and transport you to a place of joy.
- Take a shower or a bath: A warm bath or shower signifies to the body that it’s safe.
- Imagine a previous memory when you were happy: Close your eyes and immerse yourself in a joyful memory, letting it remind you that peace is possible.
- Light a candle: The soft glow and pleasant scent of a candle can help create a calming environment. If you feel so inclined say a prayer or send kindness to someone.
- Eat a warm meal: A nourishing, warm meal can be incredibly grounding and comforting.
- Lie on the ground: Lying on the grass can make you feel supported and remind you that it’s safe to let go.
- Practice acceptance: Embrace your feelings instead of resisting them, letting acceptance ease their grip on you. Move towards it in your body: Acknowledge your fear physically—take a step closer rather than pulling back.
- Set boundaries. This is not a time to be open to the whole world. Say no and create some space for yourself.
- Breathe: Deep breathing is a simple yet powerful tool for calming the nervous system and reducing stress.
- Have a conversation with your fear: Personify your fear and ask it what it needs from you. What is your fear trying to tell you.
- Find a power phrase: Create a short, empowering phrase that reminds you of your strength and repeat it to yourself. Something like “I am safe and strong”.
- Visualise yourself calm and happy: Picture yourself in a peaceful, happy place, and allow the image to soothe you.
- Cry: Let yourself cry if you need to—it’s a healthy release that can lighten your emotional load.
- What’s the worst: Ask yourself what the worst-case scenario truly is, and often, it’s not as bad as it feels.
- Ask for, and get help: Never hesitate to reach out for help; support from others can make all the difference.
What is NOT helpful when you’re in fear
People, God bless them but they really can be very unhelpful! When I was in the deepest of fear people told me that the more in fear I was, the more I would attract bad situations.
Thank you for that most unhelpful advice!
Also one day I was on my motorbike and I was petrified and the guys told me to relax because I was very tense.
No, really? I hadn’t noticed. Of course, I’m tense! I’m petrified.
Everyone is fighting a battle you know nothing about. So this is not a time to dish out advice. This is a time to listen, to be supportive, to be gentle and to be kind.
And mostly that means towards yourself! It doesn’t mean you don’t take accountability, but you treat yourself as you would your best friend.

3 Tips to put into action when in fear
It can be hard to do anything when you’re in a space of fight or flight. But trust me on these 3 steps to get you through not only the next week or day but even the next few hours.
Identify the fear
What’s the deep fear you feel? Most people worry that if they engage with it, it will come true but it won’t. Actually it’s the opposite; the minute you feel it in your body, it starts to lift.
What is the fear? Where does it sit within you?
Take action
It truly does have a fight-or-flight trigger. What’s yours? For me, its paralyzing. I often can’t write or work or don’t even want to work out, which is very abnormal for me.
But sometimes just taking 1 small action helps. Having the difficult conversation. Or going to the gym. Or even just showing up for work. As you accomplish the small things, so the big things will get done.
Rest my dear reader. Rest. Put all your worries and anxiety down even for just an hour. I love doing a prayer of surrender as it really helps me to feel freed. But do what works for you. Watch a Netflex series or read or if you can’t just lie down and listen to music.
This Too Shall Pass, I promise
My friend, my reader, I’m so sorry you’re going through whatever it is that you’re going through.
Planet Earth can be a challenging place at times.
What I promise you is that this too shall pass. I promise. There will come a time when you feel the sun on your skin and your soul again.
Trust me when I say that in the interim, you’ve got this.