Why Burnout Has Reached Epidemic Proportions
And my word for the year “supercalefragicalistic-totallykaput”
We’re told to chase our dreams so we go out and hustle! And have families. And try to keep in shape. And try to look great. And then we wonder why we’re absolutely exhausted?!
My best friend and I have been saying since 2020 that we just need a little 10-year nap. So I wasn’t at all surprised to read all about it in this piece in the Guardian titled “We’re all so exhausted we need another word to describe how exhausted we feel”. It seems we’re all feeling much the same.
The immediate thing that comes to mind through the above-mentioned article is don’t worry because you’re not alone although I couldn’t help but feel like there was something more that needed to come at the end of the article; apart from a new word to describe how we feel.
(Hmmm how about supercalefragicalistic-totallykaput?)
Where is the advice? I mean sheesh, don’t simply give us the problem. Tell us how to deal!
Personally, it’s been the most challenging year I can remember. It’s challenged me to uncover my beliefs, face my fears and become more resilient than I imagined but a few weeks ago I lost a friend to cancer, the second to cancer in a year. It left me reeling for a number of personal reasons and to be honest, I’m sure I’m still moving through it. Some days I feel angry and some days just so sad.
The stuff that has happened in people’s lives this year couldn’t be written up in fairytales or horror stories. It’s no wonder we’re watching Money Heist or the likes to escape a little.
I realised though recently that I had to stop trying to escape and face things with a little more ammunition.
So if you’re just battling with survival or if you’ve personally experienced some devastating circumstances I wish you the utmost strength and kindness and whilst I have no clue what you’re going through, I thought it may help to share what helped me.
I recently developed a programme on resilience and it led me to question what exactly resilience was and is and the role it plays in burnout. I can’t help but feel there’s a very close connection. You see if you keep pushing too hard (which is a common understanding of resilience) then you’re going to get burnt out. But the real cornerstones of resilience are somewhat of an antidote to burnout and it as it turns out, something most of us know.
I call them “The 3-S’s”
Most of the time when things are going well we do the 3-S’s or we intend to do them but at this point in time, I feel like we all NEED them more than ever.
In my own life, they have become indispensable.
Sleep, movement and high-quality supplements. ‘Nuf said. Don’t argue, just do it. It will save your life and support you in giving you much needed energy. (Caveat – yes I know I’m the author of Carbs, Curves & Everything in Between, and I still am eating pudding BUT I’ve always exercised, now it’s just yoga instead of cycling and have added supplements.
I thank God for my angels (human and otherwise) literally. I cannot say enough about getting support, professional and personal, when needed.
Here’s a VERY interesting thing (and pretty surprising). The more I can admit to myself exactly how I feel about things, the easier it is. This goes from asking for what I need to saying NO to things that just don’t match for me right now. Authenticity is medicine!
You see, all this stuff; life in the pandemic, the death of a loved one, the loss of a business etc. These are all triggers for burnout. Not surprising because we are just human after all and there’s only so much we can take.
The trigger pushes one too far; to a potential breaking point where self-care and authenticity become indispensable.
I’ve always thought that things were nice or good to have but it turns out they’re a necessity.
So how do you know if you’re burnout?
Here are a few symptoms;
- Overwhlem
- You’re more irritable than usual
- You’re more emotional than usual
- You’re internally volatile (your self talk swings from one opposing view to another)
- You don’t have the same energy levels
- You can’t sleep like you normally do
- You’re overeating and aren’t sure why
- You don’t seem to have the same enthusiasm for things
- Feel free to add a few of your own
So if you’re feeling supercalefragicalistic-totallykaput from the year that is and was; take a moment to breathe this December. Even if you think you can’t. Just five minutes, an hour or an afternoon on the couch with nothing to do.
Try the 3S’s and tell me what happens. I’d love to know.
Wishing you every blessing and strength.